evaluation week 1

The week started with a lecture about what we can expect during this minor. At the end there was time to get to know each other. What I liked about it was that I got a clear image of what I can expect the next weeks. I was surprised how little people choose this minor. But I am happy with that because you can get to know you classmates better. Also I like it to follow lectures with a small group because there is more room for questions.

The main subject in this minor is child poverty. I really like this subject because I think it is a big international problem. When I heard I could chose a country of my own interest to write a case it was clear to me it had to be Indonesia. I chose Indonesia because next year  I’m going to do half of  my internship over there.

For me the most interesting this week  was the lecture from Guido van Luitgaarden about welfare states. I was really surprised how different welfare states work in Europe. What also surprised me was the different kinds of poverty within Europe. He gave an example about how poverty in Sweden en poverty in Romania that really made an impression on me. Guido only spoke about welfare states within Europe. I’m really looking forward to learn more about welfare states in the rest of the world and if Indonesia is a welfare state or not. And how it works over there.

I’m looking forward to next week to find more information about my own case!

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